It all started with a playlist.
My dear friend Adrienne, our writer/producer, came to me with a semi-autobiographical story—about two stoners who stumble across a duffle bag of marijuana and decide to take it. “Yes, tell me more.”, I said. “It takes place at a diner in the middle of the desert on their way back from a wild weekend…” I’m listening. “…and there’s this deadly, and completely unstable villain—with killer style, of course—that shoots up the place in search of her stash while our dazed and confused duo argue about their find right outside.” I replied, “Say no more. I’m in.”
Inspired not only by our love of classic neo-western films such as NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, and buddy comedies like SUPERBAD, but also the desire to see high concept work that feels otherworldly, actually represents the world we live in. We wanted to merge the tone and aesthetic of those worlds we respect so much but make it ours and sprinkle it with a dash of 70’s funk—because, why not.
Now, it just needed a title.
We put together this dope playlist (if I do say so myself) to inspire us and establish the mood. But one track in particular, captured exactly what we were looking for…